Life's Abundance | Premium health products

5 Tips To Manage Holiday Stress

woman sitting on couch doing deep breaths

Tip: To banish stress, breathe in, hold it, then let it out slowly.

“I’m so stressed.” How many times have you heard that from family, friends and just about anyone you encounter?  It often seems worse during the holidays, because so much is demanded of us with so little time to accomplish anything. No wonder there’s more stress, anxiety and tension - just thinking of that endless holiday to-do list can raise your blood pressure.

Bring it back down to normal with these five tips on how to manage holiday stress, before it wreaks havoc on your sleep or your peace of mind. Nobody wants those disturbed.

Gratitude. Be thankful for what you have. Most people are fully content in life without having an Aspen ski chalet or a 90-foot yacht. Psychologists have researched that, when you celebrate what you already have, you tend to be happier and healthier. With that, stress has less of a chance to take hold, and you’re less concerned about keeping up with the Kardashians.

Breathe. You’re in a mad rush to grab a bottle of wine for your best friend’s holiday party and the person on line in front of you forgot their wallet. While they shuffle off to get it in their car, you’re left in line waiting. And waiting. That’s when oxygen becomes your best friend. Take a deep breath through your nose, hold for a count of four, then let it out to the count of eight. Repeat five times and your mindset will shift from red hot to rosé all day.

dog sitting on woman's lap cuddling

Tip: It's proven. Playing with your pets calm and relax you.

Play with your pets. Fact: pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression. They have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels which guard against heart problems. Even better? Playing with dogs or cats elevates your levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax you. Pets do so much for us, it’s only natural to want to reward them. Try Pork & Apple Sausage Treats for dogs or Turkey Hearts Freeze-Dried Treats for cats. Both are Y-U-M.

Let go of perfection. Throttle back on anxiety when your 9-year-old’s rendition of silent night needs more work before the holiday pageant. Instead of trying to improve it to the level of Mariah Carey, relax, sometimes it’s better to just let good enough be enough.

Don’t abandon your healthy habits. Yes, it’s snowing. Yes, it’s cold. But a short jog can help raise your spirits and get your endorphins flowing. Refreshing runs, or even a brisk walk, are a good start. Now keep up the good work by refreshing your skin. Keep that summer glow of yours from fading with our Facial Serum. A few drops is all it takes to revitalize, hydrate and pamper your skin. So now a petal-soft complexion is definitely in season.

Remember, the key for a happy, healthy holiday season and beyond is to catch stress before it starts - so you can concentrate better, sleep better and feel much better for the holidays.

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Insider Tips To Save Money At Life's Abundance

dog sitting on woman's lap while online shopping

Tip: Signing up for our Autoship program will save you both time and money.

Challenging economic times make it harder to balance getting premium products for your family while also saving your wallet. We know how it is, which is why we spoke to our very own employee-owners to share money saving tips they’ve learned from personal experience as well as from our customers. Now you won’t have to sacrifice quality - ever again.

Sign Up For Autoship

One of the best ways to save money at Life’s Abundance is by using our Autoship program. You get discounted pricing when you add products to your Autoship, it’s absolutely free to enroll and has no minimum order requirement. It’s a loyalty discount program with big benefits.

You’ll never again have to make a late night run to the store when you’re running low on pet food, supplements or personal care items. Just choose how often you’d like your products shipped out and we’ll do the rest.

Saving both money and time? Everyone knows that’s a win-win.

Double Up Your Order

If you’re already enrolled in our Autoship program, you’re one step ahead. But did you know that you can save even more money by doubling your order? For example, if you order a bag of pet food today, you’ll pay $8.85 for shipping. But, if you order two bags today, you’ll still pay the same shipping rate. This way you can double up your Autoship order and schedule it to ship out less frequently - saving you on shipping.

This strategy will cut your shipping costs in half, and you’ll still receive the discounted Autoship pricing. Remember, your Autoship frequency can be set as far out as 4 months apart.

Special Insider tip: You may be thinking - “I don’t need two large bags of food, plus they’ll go bad.” Just check out our blog on how to store pet food, and you’ll be able to keep your furry friends’ kibble fresh for longer.

As an extra perk, by doing this, you’re helping out the environment by cutting down on your deliveries, reducing carbon emissions, and your packaging, saving trees.

Fill Up The Box

If you already trust the quality of one of our products, try other products from our people and pet lines. Make it easier on yourself by adding on to your already existing shipment - with supplements, skin care, pet treats or cleaning supplies. This way, you’re buying from a single source and it saves you money on shipping too! And, since you’ll be making the most of it and adding multiple products into the same package, this is a greener option for the environment.

person putting coins in doggy bank

Tip: Fill up your existing order by trying other products from our people and pet lines.

Skip “Oh Shoot” Day

Have you ever had that moment where it’s pup’s mealtime or you’re making your morning protein smoothie and you’re down to that last scoop in the bag - and you haven’t placed your order yet? “Oh shoot.” We’ve all been there, which is why it is important that you never wait until the last minute to ship your order since overnight shipping is super expensive. Even then, it still might take two days depending on the time of day you purchase. It’s better to have a week or two of extra product than pay extra at the very last minute.

Special Insider tip: If you can’t log into your account to ship your order, just find your last Autoship confirmation or tracking number email and reply to it with “SHIP NOW” and we will take care of the rest! Just make sure your credit card number is up to date. Easy peasy.

Don’t Give Up Quality And Safety

As we’ve mentioned before, you never want to give up quality or safety just to save a few extra bucks. After all, good health starts with good nutrition, and what would a trip to the doctor or vet cost you in time, money, and worry?

You do everything you can to keep your family healthy, and you also know it’s important to focus on the quality, and overall safety of the products they consume. That’s why here at Life’s Abundance, as an added layer of quality assurance, we’ve developed a unique recall system so advanced that when you purchase a product, we know what you received, all the way down to the lot number. We’ve never had a recall in over 20 years, but if there is ever an issue, our proactive communications system allows us to reach thousands of people by phone in just one hour, ensuring that all affected customers are contacted quickly. You would also hear from us by email and even through the mail. Without this direct outreach, most consumers would never hear about a recall.

We hope these tips help you while you’re buying products from Life’s Abundance. Happy Shopping and Happy Savings!

Have some Life’s Abundance money-saving tips of your own? Share them in the comments below!

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How To Store Pet Food

We all know how frustrating it is when food  goes bad quickly - especially veggies or freshly baked breads. And if you’re anything like us, you’ve probably found some life hacks to make them last longer. Whether that’s with zip-top  bags, plastic wrap or storing them in the freezer, it’s a good feeling knowing you don’t have to throw out your groceries. But what about your furry friend’s kibble? Dog and cat foods have an expiration date just as our own food does, but there are steps you can take to keep the kibble as fresh as possible after opening.

Tightly Seal The Bag

You’re rushing one morning and you remember to fill your pet’s bowl, but you forget to seal the bag using one of your aforementioned hacks. You’re halfway to work before you realize your mistake but you figure there’s no harm in the bag being open for a few hours. However, doing this often can cause the kibble to go stale, or even worse, spoil completely. So taking that extra couple seconds to squeeze all of the air out of the bag and close it tight with our convenient built-in seal will ensure longer-lasting freshness.

dog eating Life's Abundance dog food

Life's Abundance pet foods are made with convenient resealable bags.

Use Refrigeration

If you feel you must refrigerate your pet’s kibble, you may safely do so with our kibble. However, rather than storing the entire bag in the fridge, it is best to split up portions into zip top bags and draw them out one at a time. Never freeze the kibble as this can lead to unwanted moisture from the condensation and eventually a build up in bacteria. 

Put In A Storage Bin

You can put kibble in a storage bin as long as it is an airtight container. One of our best practices is to actually keep the food in the original bag and then store it in the airtight container. Just remember to always keep it clean and dry and that when you’re done filling up your furry friend’s bowl, you’re closing both the bag and the bin.

With these tips, you can feel confident that you’ll be giving your furry friend the freshest kibble possible at mealtime. “Bone” appetite!

Have any more tips for storing your dog or cat’s kibble? Share them with us in the comments below!

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A Superfood Recipe That’s Super Tasty

superfood dip with Greens Blend

Instead of tons of calories in an onion dip, try our tasty superfood recipe.

Don’t want to be stuck eating 5,000 calories-a-scoop onion dip at your best friend’s holiday soiree - yet fear being made fun of when you bring your favorite gluten-free, sugar-free, fun-free hors d'oeuvre? Add this flavorful superfood dip featuring our delicious Greens Blend to the potluck table and you’ll be the star of the party.

This dip is not only easy to make, it contains some of the most nutrient-dense foods out there - like spinach, garlic, beans, red peppers, and avocado. Not up on the latest benefits of these superfoods? Read below so you can school the mini-hotdog lovers scowling at the “health food”, they think, you’re trying to pass off as tasty. 

Beans are loaded with fiber and plant protein to help keep you full. They’re also an under-the-radar antioxidant hero - protecting your heart, improving your skin, and preventing heart disease.

Spinach is your leafy green BFF; it’s filled with antioxidants, most of its calories come from protein, and it’s one of the best sources of dietary potassium and iron. Plus, the Vitamins A and C it contains will help boost your immune system in these cold winter months.

Avocados contain over 25 essential nutrients and are one of the tastiest ways to get in some much-needed healthy fat and fiber. They’re loaded with monounsaturated fat, known to improve cholesterol and help you lose belly fat. They also contain the compound glutathione, which blocks the absorption of unhealthy fats. 

woman holding an avocado cut in half

Did you know? Avocados contain glutathione which blocks the absorption of unhealthy fats.

is best known as the ingredient to avoid if you plan on getting face-to-face, it should be touted for its main disease-fighting compound, Allicin. Not only does it create healing in the circulatory, digestive and immune systems, it also has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and antioxidant properties. 

Red Peppers contain beta carotene, lycopene, and skin-repairing Vitamin A, but their most impressive stat is the amount of the powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C, they contain - twice as much as an orange. 

Rosemary has been used as a medicinal herb for centuries; traditionally used to help alleviate muscle pain, improve memory, boost the immune and circulatory system, and promote hair growth - fresh Rosemary tastes best. 

Around the Life’s Abundance office, we believe you shouldn’t have to choose between deprivation and all-out gluttony. We know that in order to get anyone, whether it’s our kids or our friends, to get on the superfood bandwagon, we need to make them taste good, or there’s no getting them to take a second bite.

Whip up this 5-minute dip and guests will be overjoyed by its taste, plus the fact that they can now indulge in an extra cookie or two.


  • 1 scoop Life’s Abundance Greens Blend
  • 1 15.5 oz can cannellini beans
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 cups fresh spinach leaves, packed
  • 2 large cloves garlic
  • Juice from 1 fresh lemon
  • 1 tsp fresh rosemary
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ red pepper finely diced (reserved)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


In a food processor or high-speed blender, puree all ingredients except the red pepper, until smooth. Stir in diced pepper, and transfer to a serving bowl. Serve with crostini or sliced colored peppers and assorted veggies. Makes 1 ½ cups or about 8 servings.

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Thanksgiving. Don’t Forget To Give Thanks For Your Pets.

woman playing with her dog on the floor

A minute ago she was feeling blah. See the difference a dog makes?

As pet parents, we’re thankful for our dogs and cats. They’re always there for us on the good days as well as the times when we have to deal with dark clouds. Well, that’s life.

But your pet’s unconditional love is all yours, no matter what. Adding to that are the shared times, the fun and the excitement of running with your dog in the park, tossing a frisbee into the distance or cuddling up with your sweet cat on the couch. Well, get used to it, pets add life to your life.

Pets Are Amazing

Pets are amazing and guess what, so are pet stories. People love them, and as a pet parent we’re guessing you have more than a few to tell. There’s no better time than Thanksgiving for that. Why? Because you're bound to be asked what you're thankful for at the Thanksgiving table.

You could answer with all the usual stuff … family, friends and happiness. We’re all grateful for them. But don’t forget to give thanks for your furry friends. So get your pet stories out for Thanksgiving. To inspire you, read on for three of our own tales about pet brilliance, love and companionship. 

JoJo Is Bilingual

You know dogs are smart, but JoJo is brilliant. His new family raves about his intelligence, but there’s one thing they didn’t know. When his original owner came for a visit, they discovered he had taught JoJo German. When he said “mach sitz”, Jojo would sit. When he said “platz” JoJo would lie down. JoJo responds to 16 German commands. After having JoJo for a few months, the kids in his new family, Melissa, nine, and Aaron, seven, mastered all 16 commands. Surprise, surprise, they’re now bilingual, because JoJo is bilingual.

woman cuddling with her cat

Pets are a-m-a-z-i-n-g. No wonder we are so thankful for them.

A Paw Placed On Her Knee

A Labrador called Sam went missing. His owner, Lauren, was…well, no words can describe her anguish. Nobody should have to go through that. Lauren made “Sam is Missing” posters and drove around the neighborhood calling for him. But no luck. A day later the phone rang. Someone from miles away found Sam wandering along a road. No film script could capture the joy of Sam being reunited with his owner. To show his appreciation, whenever Lauren sat down, Sam would be there to lift his paw and place it gently on her knee. To this day he’s still doing it.

Dating Advice from Gilly

Everybody loves talking to their cat because they often see their pet as human. A friend we met at a cat show heartily agrees. She’s forever talking to her cat, Gilly, asking about the guys she’s dating. Surprisingly, she gets meows of advice. Jonathan tops the feline popularity list with two meows. Marc is a close second with one meow. Poor Marc. As thanks for being such a good advisor Gilly is being included in the turkey festivities with Turkey Hearts Freeze-Dried Treats. So, happily it’ll be “turkey for all” on Thanksgiving Day.

Okay now, the spotlight’s on you for your own Thanksgiving pet stories. So go for it.

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Beauty Bars Are Back

person holding charcoal soap

Tip: Find a Beauty Bar with clean, botanical ingredients to nourish your skin.

Touchable results. Vibrant, healthfully nourished skin that retains moisture. A feast for your senses … beauty bars are back with all their nutrient richness. 

We’re talking about fresh, new soap formulations to pamper yourself and feel you’re doing the absolute best for your skin’s health with fatty acids, vitamin E, antioxidants and calcium.

The word is out on the soothing and calming effects of Beauty Bars. Their praises are being sung in salons, gyms, health clubs and on social media. Have you noticed? People are raving about how great they are. But great is only the beginning. Because more importantly, the right way to describe the new Beauty Bars is to say, “they really work”.  For us that’s huge.  Because we know people who are forever buying products but come away feeling a little let down -- their high hopes are not quite met. Sound familiar to you? But the new Beauty Bars are different, so write this memo to yourself: No let downs here.

Okay, we said Beauty Bars are back which immediately prompts the question, where have they been all your life? Like us you’ve probably been using facial cleansers. They’ve been on everyone’s shelf for a long time. But the scientists working in product labs have been making breakthroughs. They’ve been developing new beauty formulations by asking important questions.

Questions like, what if we combine plant-based ingredients in a bar that avoid sulfates, chemicals and harmful additives. Or ... what if we aim for a range of scented soaps that, for once, don’t irritate the skin. Then there are exfoliants. Could we start with gentle lathering agents then add fine sea-salt or tiny, almost microscopic crystals that exfoliate without damaging sensitive skin.

woman with charcoal soap in her hand

Activated charcoal acts like a magnet to pull toxins from pores.

And what about hydration? If you think like us, that’s the key. So, can the new soaps help with that? The answer is yes, but here’s the thing, even with a good facial cleanser you still need to finish with a moisturizer. The same is true with Beauty Bars, but you’ll be pleased to know skin experts have made many of them hydrating in the best way. Adding glycerin and ceramides sees to that. In plain English, Ceramides retain the skin’s moisture and seal out harmful elements.

Explore Beauty Bars and you’ll discover organic, botanical ingredients play a key role. Which is why a light lathering session leaves you feeling relaxed and radiant. It’s a bit like a mini visit to a day spa. The development labs have created rejuvenating formulations that allow you to add a luster to your skin. How do we know this? A friend who is forever experimenting, lathered up several different beauty bars, rinsed away the bubbles and started taking selfies to compare the results. She used bars with fragrance, bars without, and bars with the fresh scent of essential oils. But what came first for her was a need for gentleness and a soft finish to the skin.

Gentleness is essential when you understand how your skin is formed. It’s developed in layers, taking about three weeks for the innermost layer to emerge on the surface. So even if you’re around 30, your skin is only about three weeks old – which is reason enough to treat it like a baby. 

For that there is a sea salt cleansing Beauty Bar we love as it also soothes, calms and hydrates your skin. It’s our Charcoal and Sea Salt Soap. It’s made with tea tree oil distilled from the leaves of the Melaleuca plant found in Australia. Its skin care benefits are many but the most important one is its ability to soothe the skin. Activated charcoal creates tiny internal spaces or holes in the charcoal, making it extremely absorbent. When applied to the skin, it acts like a magnet by sticking to and pulling out dirt, oil and toxins from pores, providing a deep clean and clearer skin. Science triumphs and you benefit.

Now that you've got a clean fresh foundation you’re ready to apply your moisturizer.

You may have stopped growing but your skin hasn’t. Mother Nature provides you with new skin every three weeks -- then it’s up to you to maintain it and a beauty bar is the best tool in your skincare arsenal.

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Aromatherapy For Glowing Skin

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5 Tips When Bringing Your Pet To Events

three dogs meeting up with each other at the park

Tip: It's important to have basic commands taught to avoid unwanted jumping.

As pet parents, we wish we could bring our furry friends with us everywhere we go. Luckily, pet-friendly events exist where our dogs can gather with others and socialize, as we chat and eat or listen to music with like-minded people. Whether it’s at a festival, restaurant, or other public event, these 5 tips will help to keep your pet safe and happy.

Think About Your Pup

You know your pet best, so you’ll know if they’re comfortable being out in public places or not. If they get anxious easily or nervous by loud sounds or crowds, it might be best to keep your pup at home. But if they seem relaxed when around other people and especially other pets, then feel free to leash them up and take them along.

Check For Their Tags

Before leaving for an event, make sure they have a well-fitted collar with updated tags. Unexpected loud sounds could cause your pup to run off, so it’s important to check that their tags are up to date with your correct phone number in case they get lost. And if they have a chip, then double check that information is current as well.

Pack a Bag

While you’re getting them ready to go, pack a bag with all of their essentials. You’ll want to bring healthy, delicious treats for them to snack on, especially if you’re enjoying food at the event on your own - and don’t forget water as well! Dogs, especially those with a lot of fur, can get heat exhaustion at outdoor events, so make sure they have access to clean water at all times to keep them hydrated. While you’re enjoying the event, you want your furry friend to be entertained as well, so pack their favorite squeaky toy for them to play with.

two dogs meeting each other

Tip: Make sure your dog is comfortable around other people and pets prior to taking them out and about.

Have The Basics Down

Not only is this a safety tip, but it’s also an etiquette tip. You might have a dog that loves to jump and play rough, but some pet parents might not be too fond of that. This is where it’s important to have the basic commands down, such as “sit” and “stay.” If a person, or their dog, approaches and your dog is getting too excited, tell them to “sit” to avoid any unwanted jumping on others. Be sure to reward them with yummy treats for their good behavior!

Be On The Lookout

You never know what could be a potential danger to your pup at events. This could be anything on the ground or within reach including broken glass bottles or foods they shouldn’t eat. Always keep an eye on your dog and keep their leash on in case there’s anything around that could endanger them or make them sick.

When taking your dog to an event, you’ll likely have to focus more on them than the event itself in order to keep them safe and happy. However, as loving pet parents, this is a small price to pay for having our loyal companions by our sides.

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Realistic Fitness Tips For The Holidays

healthy family holiday dinner

Tip: Use healthier ingredient alternatives in your recipes to create just-as-delicious holiday meals.

We’ve all been there. You’ve finally managed to get your wellness goals on track, but then the holidays roll around. The spirit of the season along with decorating, gift shopping and delicious food and desserts can sometimes result in your health taking a backseat - but this is totally normal.

The holidays are meant to be enjoyed, so the last thing you should do is beat yourself up over a slice of pie or a festive cocktail. So, while you’re indulging in the festivities with your friends and family, here are some realistic ways to stay healthy through the holidays.

Rethink Your Fitness Routine 

You’re not alone if you think of the holidays as one big festive blur. With parties to attend and travel arrangements to make, it’s easy to forget to schedule your normal fitness routine. There’s no problem with giving yourself a bit of a break during the holidays - as long as you keep your body moving. 

For example, instead of hitting the gym 5-6 times a week, try a goal of 3-4 times a week. Or, if you normally work out for an hour a day, know that even 20 minutes of weight training or a HIIT workout is enough. This leaves more time for holiday activities while still getting in a good sweat and still have time for holiday fun. 

couple taking their dog for a walk during the holidays

Tip: While your loved ones are visiting, suggest taking a walk together to get a little movement in your day.

Another idea you can incorporate into your fitness routine is including your loved ones. They’re likely visiting you for the holidays, so what better way to spend time together and feel great than by taking a stroll to check out the holiday lights or doing a yoga class to unwind after a long day of holiday shopping.

Healthy Holiday Substitutes

If your schedule is getting a bit too busy to incorporate a workout, there are always changes you can make in the kitchen. One of the best parts of the holidays is there’s no shortage of delicious food and drinks. You might normally take one look and feel a sudden pang of guilt, but in reality, you don’t have to indulge.

It’s time to rethink the idea that all delicious desserts have to be a guilty pleasure. Instead of cutting yourself off, try healthier options. There are plenty of healthy dessert recipes out there that are perfect for the holidays. 

Happy Holidays to you and your family. With these simple tips you’ll be feeling much better come January 2nd.

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Halloween Pet Safety

woman sitting enjoying fall with cat on lap

Fall ushers in pumpkin spice mania, apple flavored everything, sweaters, boots, and all things warm and cozy. Throw in the excitement of Halloween, with its costumes, candy, and parties, and you can’t help but want to celebrate. For cat and dog lovers like us, it’s only natural to want to celebrate with our furry friends. Here are a few tips to help you and your pet enjoy a safe and relaxing Halloween together.

Pet Treats, Not Human Treats

Just like you wouldn’t let your kids eat just any Halloween candy, it’s also wise not to share it with your pet. We know it’s hard to resist those convincing puppy dog (or kitty) eyes but candy has a laundry list of ingredients that aren’t meant for cats or dogs. This includes chocolate, xylitol, sugar, and so many other hazardous substances.

Instead, treat your pet with something meant just for them, like our Premium Cow Ears, Antioxidant Health Bars, or Gourmet Cat Treats. This way, they can be included in the holiday fun without putting their health at risk.

Proper Party Provisions

Similarly, if you plan to host a Halloween party, take some time to consider what types of foods you might have available for guests. If possible, consider omitting foods like raisins, grapes, and dark chocolate that can be very dangerous, or even fatal, to pets if they should happen to pick up any scraps off the floor. Instead, you many want to:

  • opt for pet-safe foods
  • ask your guests not to feed your pet any human food without your permission
  • keep any off-limits food covered and out of reach

Sensible Soundscapes

Whether hosting a party, or welcoming trick-or-treaters, many of us love to play spooky music or haunted house sounds during Halloween. If you do this, try to be mindful of any sounds that you know your pet is afraid of or dislikes. This can include high-pitched sounds, dogs barking, hissing cats, creepy steps, or any other noise your pet may have had an unpleasant experience with in the past.

Music is often a safer choice than sound effects when it comes to pet-friendly ambience, but this is totally subjective depending on your dog or cat and their triggers.

man holding a dog with a halloween bandana

Careful Costumes

One of our favorite parts of Halloween is the chance to dress up with our pets. There are so many cute combinations, and there’s nothing more fun than taking a picture with your cat or dog dressed  in your Halloween finest; however, it’s important to make sure your pet’s costume is safe. For example, avoid costumes that are too long and drag under your pet’s feet. This could cause them to trip, slide, or fall. Additionally, if your pet’s costume has a headpiece, make sure it’s secure so that it doesn’t fall down over their eyes and block their vision. Finally, make sure there are no parts on your pet’s costume that they might be able to tear off and swallow (potentially causing them to choke), and nothing that could cut or irritate them.

Leashed Loves

If you choose to take your pet trick-or-treating, be sure to have them well-controlled on a leash and keep them close at all times. Command your dog to sit, if possible, before ringing doorbells at neighbors’ homes. If you’re trick-or-treating in a dark and/or congested area, consider putting a glow in the dark leash or collar on your animal, to make it easier for you and others to see them.

While we love the idea of taking our pets trick or treating with us on Halloween, if you know that your pet is easily stressed or startled, it might be best to leave Fido or Fifi at home where they’ll feel safe.

Contained Creatures

If you opt to stay home and hand out candy, make sure your cat or dog - especially if they’re not good with strangers - won’t be able to escape when you open the door to greet trick-or-treaters. For some pets, this is as simple as telling them to sit before opening the door. For others, it might be better to put up a gate, keeping your pet away from  the door. And for those that love to make a break for it? It might be worth placing them in a spacious pet crate or confining them to a room with a door so you can both enjoy your Halloween.

No matter how you decide to celebrate Halloween with your pet, they’ll be grateful for everything you do to ensure they have a safe and enjoyable Halloween.  With just a little bit of planning, you and your fur baby can enjoy a fun and memorable spooky season together. Happy Halloween!

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Fool-Proof, Fright-Free Pet Costumes

Pet Kids Totally Acing This Halloween Thing

Essential Oils vs. Extracts: What’s The Difference?

woman using drops of facial serum

In an ever-growing world of clean skin care products, trendy ingredients have been appearing everywhere, such as essential oils and extracts. First, is this something you even need in a product? Second, how do you know if lavender oil or lavender extract is right for you? It mostly comes down to understanding their differences. Let's take a slightly deeper dive into the benefits that each one offers.

Essential Oils vs Extracts 

One of the main differences between essential oils and extracts is that oils are highly concentrated, while extracts are more diluted. Why? Because these plant-based products are created in two very different ways. 

Essential oils are made from the aromatic parts of a plant, which are simply the parts that contain volatile oils. In order to collect these oils, the plant generally undergoes a complex steam distillation process.  

While this process is no easy task, it does release the plant’s oils in their purest form. As a result, the oil maintains more of the plant’s antibacterial and antiviral properties - which is a huge plus! This is also the reason that essential oils tend to have a much stronger aroma than extracts.  

Extracts produce a more watered-down version of a plant's elements, and they’re also much easier to create. Think of the process as similar to soaking your tea in hot water.  

facial serum surrounded by flowers

Plants can be turned into extracts by soaking them in anything from water or glycerine to alcohol, allowing them to release their properties into the surrounding liquid. This creates a sort of infusion that isn’t quite as strong as what you’d get from a pure essential oil. 

So which should you choose? Well, there are pros of each:

The Pros of Oils

As mentioned, oils tend to be very concentrated and contain important natural properties of a plant in their purest form. That's why you'll find antioxidant-rich oils such as grapeseed, cranberry seed, and thyme oils in products like facial serums. Another benefit of oils, when it comes to skin care, is that a little goes a long way. Often, just a few drops are more than enough to cover your whole face.

The Pros of Extracts

While extracts may not be quite as strong as oils, by being less potent they tend to be a great choice for sensitive skin while still providing plenty of benefits. Our Facial Cleanser, for example, uses extracts like sugar cane, white willow bark, and citrus peel to exfoliate your skin without causing irritation. 

If you’re the type of person who wants the best of both worlds or you have trouble deciding, just take a look at our Facial Moisturizer. Its expertly blended with both essential oils, like pomegranate seed oil, as well as extracts, such as olive oil extract. This combination allows you to experience both types (oils and extracts) while still getting a slew of skin-loving benefits.

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