Aromatherapy For Glowing Skin

Aromatherapy For Glowing Skin

woman putting lotion on legs

Have you ever wondered what our ancestors  used as skin care? It’s safe to assume that Mona Lisa didn’t achieve that killer complexion by using our favorite serum.  

These days, the market is flooded with products to choose from, but before fancy ingredients came into play, cultures around the world have looked to aromatherapy to promote both mental and physical well-being.

Aromatherapy involves the inhalation or application of essential oils - derived from aromatic plants - each of which offer their own unique set of benefits. Essential oils even earned a stellar review from the father of modern medicine himself. 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates once claimed that “the key to good health rests on having a daily aromatic bath and scented massage.” 

Sounds great except who has time for a nightly soak or money for a daily massage? For a more practical approach try our Charcoal & Sea Salt Soap, which combines essential tea tree and neem oils with the power of naturally activated charcoal and Dead Sea salt.

Tea tree oil is packed with natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that make it a one-stop-shop for the skin. It’s one of the few ingredients that boasts the ability to help both dry and oily skin alike. It can also aid in the treatment of skin irritations and acne.  

Neem oil also brings plenty to the table with a powerful combination of fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants that soothe the skin and help to promote collagen growth.  

charcoal soap on blue towel

The aroma from the essential oils themselves can have a profound effect on mental well-being. Such is the case with essential lemon oil, which studies have shown can help fight depression, all while clearing skin and reducing inflammation. 

The same can be said for essential geranium oil, which smells so amazing that it's commonly used in perfume. But don’t be fooled by its delicate floral scent, because this one essential oil is loaded with skin care benefits. Studies have shown that the natural properties of geranium oil make it a great choice for fighting  acne, skin irritation, and other skin infections.

Impressed? We were too.

That’s why we made sure to include both essential lemon and geranium oils in the list of natural ingredients that make up our soothing Body Lotion. 

We didn’t stop there. We’ve combined a selection of all the most trusted aromatherapy products throughout history into one powerful Facial Serum that’s enough to make a convert out of even the most skeptic skincare aficionado. It contains natural ingredients like myrrh, which was literally worth its weight in gold among the ancient Egyptians. Due to its powerful healing and protective properties, myrrh earned a spot in the annals of skin care history among a variety of ancient civilizations. Also included are essential oils such as may chang, carrot seed, clary sage, thyme, and more.

We invite you to try one of our skin care products and reap all the historical benefits of aromatherapy.  And don’t be surprised when you end up with healthier, glowing skin from these naturally occurring, stand out ingredients.

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