Alternative Therapies for Joint Problems

Alternative Therapies for Joint Problems

Recent estimates put the number of dogs suffering from joint disease and chronic pain at nearly ten million, a significant percentage of the population. And, with more and more senior pet kids in American homes, those numbers are likely to remain high. Fortunately, veterinarians have adopted a treatment previously used only for humans, and it’s one that is dramatically improving the quality of life for pet patients. In this episode of Pet Talk, Dr. Sarah explains how laser therapy offers a ray of hope for dogs and cats dealing with the pain associated with degenerative joint disease. Be sure to share this important message on alternative therapies with your fellow pet parents!

Comments (2) -

  • Amelia Johnson

    5/29/2014 5:10:19 PM |

    Before Schatzi received both K-laser and MLS laser treatments for a suspected torn ACL, she was unable to climb stairs or jump onto her favorite couch. I was really feeling sorry for her and had to carry her up the stairs...not easy.  Since receiving these laser treatments periodically, Schatzi is now able to confidently climb the stairs, jump onto the couch, and move out confidently and speedily without any pain. She loves her treatments and becomes so relaxed that we have to wake her up when she's done! And the best part is, I have my happy dog back and I am no longer straining my own back carrying her.

  • Rebecca Forrest

    9/7/2015 4:11:39 AM |

    Our greyhound Zelda benefitted greatly from cold laser treatments when she had a pinched nerve and associated pain in her neck. She also had acupuncture. Alternative therapies are often a great solution to a pet’s painful issues.

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