A time of togetherness and giving, the holiday season is upon us. Many of
us will be devoting a great deal of time preparing for and spending time
with family and friends. And while we may be busy scurrying about, carrying
out holiday plans, the holidays are also a time when some reflect upon their
lives and consider the consequences of their actions for the benefit of
And I’m so grateful to have a role in a company that does so much to
promote the welfare and health of companion animals. As I’m fond of saying,
we’re a small company with a great heart. Helping companion animals to lead
healthier, longer and happier lives is not just an important company commitment
… it’s our personal mission.
I’m thankful for the opportunity to speak directly to you in posts like
this, to share my thoughts and insights in the hopes that they will benefit
you in some way. In this post, I’d like to reveal the latest news from the
work of the foundation that bears my name.
As you probably know, the Dr. Jane’s HealthyPetNet Foundation is a non-profit
organization that provides financial support to a variety of animal rescue
groups, all of which are dedicated to helping to save neglected, abused
and unwanted animals. Today in America, there are literally thousands of
rescue organizations working to make a brighter future for these helpless
creatures. We provide funding to deserving organizations that meet very
specific qualifications, such as demonstrating a high level of cleanliness,
maintaining a caring environment, providing full veterinary care, and facilitating
adoptions of their rescues.
In the past few months, we’ve awarded thousands of dollars to numerous
worthy rescue groups, including...