Dog Jogging

Dog Jogging

With summer fully upon us, many of us are spending more time outdoors. Some of us may even be entertaining thoughts of beginning a new exercise routine.

The unspoken rule is don’t set yourself up to fail. Having a partner for your new endeavors can make a huge difference … but it has to be the right partner. The proposition to just beg off, to postpone until tomorrow, or ‘nah, let’s just go for a coffee instead’ – these statements are murder on any good intentions you may have towards making any real progress.

On the other hand, having a dedicated collaborator for these new activities can go a long way towards your long-term success. Especially if your exercise partner is someone who won’t ask you to procrastinate. How many of your friends could make that claim … that they’ll never, ever be negative and will always go with you, no matter the time of day? Probably not too many. Which is exactly why Dr. Sarah thinks someone already living in your home – namely, your canine companion – could make for one ‘Grade A’ exercise partner.

If you’re serious about getting healthy, don’t miss Dr. Sarah’s six vital steps for starting and maintaining an exercise routine with your dog.

Watch the latest episode of Pet Talk now, and check back next month for another brand new show.

Comments (3) -

  • JoAnne

    6/24/2014 5:54:29 AM |

    Excellent info.

  • Amelia Johnson

    6/27/2014 4:01:28 AM |

    Glad you put the caution in there for puppies and why they should not be your running partner until they are physically mature.

  • Rebecca Forrest

    7/15/2014 12:04:24 AM |

    The only suggestion I would make is to be careful about running with your dog off-leash anywhere at all. I’ve known so many people who would swear that their dog is perfectly trained to be off-leash, only to find out that the dog unexpectedly runs off or confronts a person or animal along the way, sometimes with very bad results.

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