Pet Supplements: Food For Thought

Pet Supplements: Food For Thought

Dog being handed a supplement

Giving your pets enough vitamins and minerals is possible with the help of pet supplements.


No matter how healthy a diet we try to maintain, it’s a challenge to get the right amount of vitamins and nutrients to keep ourselves in tip-top shape - and the same is true for our pets.

Even if you’re feeding your dog or cat a wholesome food that provides complete nutrition, there are still health-related needs that simply can’t be addressed with food alone.

This is where pet supplements come in. In order to keep your pet healthy, happy, and chasing after the frisbee for years to come, it’s often times necessary to add vitamins or supplements to their regular diet. Below, we share four common pet health concerns that supplements can help with.

Skin and Coat Issues

Are you taking some sort of hair and skin supplement? Well, now pets can too! Many cats and dogs suffer from seasonal skin and coat sensitivities. Harsh, winter weather can cause your pet’s skin to become:

  • dry
  • red
  • itchy
  • irritated

In the summer months, pets are also prone to rashes or frequent scratching due to higher temperatures and humidity. Ultimately, your furry friend’s coat suffers, too. If you notice that your beloved pet’s fur is dull, ragged, or patchy, they may need a supplement to support healthier growth in order to restore their coat to its glory days.

When searching for a hair and skin pet supplement you’ll find that while most supplements have Vitamin E, a more complete mix of important vitamins like A, C, B, and zinc, are ideal like in our Skin & Coat Formula.

A complete pet supplement supports all the systems involved with keeping an amazing mane. The right formula not only supports good oil production, but also boosts collagen development and assists the chemical processes for maintaining healthy skin.

Immune Health Function

When your immune system is low, you’re likely to catch a cold or something more severe, like a virus. And your pet’s immune system is no different. When a cat or dog’s immune system is compromised, they’re more susceptible to sickness, too. Without a strong defense, they experience illnesses ranging from generalized inflammation to diabetes - and even cancer.

A nutritionally complete pet food is a good first step in boosting immunity, but you can go the extra mile with pet supplements. Supplements made with powerful antioxidants are integral to building up the strong immune response your pet needs when an infection comes knocking.

Our Wellness Food Supplement combines a dozen healthy foods rich in important vitamins and minerals (plus guaranteed probiotics) that support an immune system so it’s ready to combat any bacteria or virus - all in a convenient, chewable tablet! Think of it as your dog’s multivitamin and an easy addition to their healthy to-do list.

Cat eating a supplement

Pet supplements made with high-quality vitamin E and zinc can support skin during allergy season.

Joint Health and Aging

When you try getting out of your chair, are your joints making louder sounds than before? Well, you’re not alone because your older pets have a higher risk for joint pain, too. Additionally, there are some breeds more prone to arthritis and other painful musculoskeletal diseases.

That’s why it’s important to give your four-legged friend’s joints a little extra love, in the form of a pet supplement. When searching for an effective supplement for pet joint health, look for ingredients like:

  • Glucosamine
  • MSM
  • sea mussels
  • hyaluronic acid

Our Agility Formula includes all of these, plus a carefully selected combination of additional ingredients that support your pet’s entire musculoskeletal system. Getting up from their favorite spot on the couch will now be easier with the help of a pet supplement made to keep them zooming around freely and comfortably.

Daily Nutritional Support

Fish oil is probably known best for its brain benefits (thank you, Omega-3s!), but it’s a perfect supplement for daily nutritional support, too. The natural fats that come from fish oil are proven to support:

  • proper development of the eyes, brain, and reproductive cells
  • optimal immune and endocrine system functioning
  • heart health
  • better lung health

The problem with some fish oil pet supplements is that they don’t have an effective balance of the right oils. When looking for a capsule or liquid fish oil supplement, you want it to be the optimal formulation to ensure your pet is getting what they need from fish oil.

Our Fish Oil for Pets contains at least 30% EPA and DHA, the ideal concentration for your dog or cat’s overall wellness. You should also look for one in triglyceride form with no added flavors. This makes it easier to absorb in your pet’s stomach and the natural taste is a true pet-pleaser!


If you found this interesting, check out these related stories:

7 Signs Of Arthritis In Dogs and Cats
Top 10 Reasons Why Your Pets Should Take Fish Oil

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