Thanksgiving. Don’t Forget To Give Thanks For Your Pets.

Thanksgiving. Don’t Forget To Give Thanks For Your Pets.

woman playing with her dog on the floor

A minute ago she was feeling blah. See the difference a dog makes?

As pet parents, we’re thankful for our dogs and cats. They’re always there for us on the good days as well as the times when we have to deal with dark clouds. Well, that’s life.

But your pet’s unconditional love is all yours, no matter what. Adding to that are the shared times, the fun and the excitement of running with your dog in the park, tossing a frisbee into the distance or cuddling up with your sweet cat on the couch. Well, get used to it, pets add life to your life.

Pets Are Amazing

Pets are amazing and guess what, so are pet stories. People love them, and as a pet parent we’re guessing you have more than a few to tell. There’s no better time than Thanksgiving for that. Why? Because you're bound to be asked what you're thankful for at the Thanksgiving table.

You could answer with all the usual stuff … family, friends and happiness. We’re all grateful for them. But don’t forget to give thanks for your furry friends. So get your pet stories out for Thanksgiving. To inspire you, read on for three of our own tales about pet brilliance, love and companionship. 

JoJo Is Bilingual

You know dogs are smart, but JoJo is brilliant. His new family raves about his intelligence, but there’s one thing they didn’t know. When his original owner came for a visit, they discovered he had taught JoJo German. When he said “mach sitz”, Jojo would sit. When he said “platz” JoJo would lie down. JoJo responds to 16 German commands. After having JoJo for a few months, the kids in his new family, Melissa, nine, and Aaron, seven, mastered all 16 commands. Surprise, surprise, they’re now bilingual, because JoJo is bilingual.

woman cuddling with her cat

Pets are a-m-a-z-i-n-g. No wonder we are so thankful for them.

A Paw Placed On Her Knee

A Labrador called Sam went missing. His owner, Lauren, was…well, no words can describe her anguish. Nobody should have to go through that. Lauren made “Sam is Missing” posters and drove around the neighborhood calling for him. But no luck. A day later the phone rang. Someone from miles away found Sam wandering along a road. No film script could capture the joy of Sam being reunited with his owner. To show his appreciation, whenever Lauren sat down, Sam would be there to lift his paw and place it gently on her knee. To this day he’s still doing it.

Dating Advice from Gilly

Everybody loves talking to their cat because they often see their pet as human. A friend we met at a cat show heartily agrees. She’s forever talking to her cat, Gilly, asking about the guys she’s dating. Surprisingly, she gets meows of advice. Jonathan tops the feline popularity list with two meows. Marc is a close second with one meow. Poor Marc. As thanks for being such a good advisor Gilly is being included in the turkey festivities with Turkey Hearts Freeze-Dried Treats. So, happily it’ll be “turkey for all” on Thanksgiving Day.

Okay now, the spotlight’s on you for your own Thanksgiving pet stories. So go for it.

If you found this interesting, check out these related stories:

Appreciating The Joys Our Pets Bring

5 Ways To Give Thanks To Pets

Comments (1) -

  • Deborah Damesworth

    11/9/2022 8:48:59 AM |

    I love these heartwarming stories of other's pets. We should always have a testimony about a pet in each newsletter.

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