What Does Your Dog’s Sleep Position Mean?

What Does Your Dog’s Sleep Position Mean?

dog sleeping on bed

How do you sleep? On your back, on your side, or on your stomach? Maybe you curl up into a ball or maybe you spread yourself out and take up the whole bed. Just like you prefer a certain position while you sleep, so do our four-legged friends. While how we sleep may not reveal a whole ton about our personality or mood, it does say quite a bit for our dogs. Read on to see what your dog’s sleep position means.

Side Sleeping

dog sleeping on side

Just like humans, this is the most common sleeping position for dogs. Sleeping on their side with their paws loose usually means they feel comfortable and safe. You also might notice that your pup moves a lot and twitches in this position. This is because they’re more likely to fall into a deep sleep and dream when they’re lying on their side. These dogs tend to be the loyal and trusting type.

Lion’s Pose

dog in lions pose

If you’ve ever seen a lion sleeping, you’ll notice they rest their head on their front paws. Dogs can sleep in this same position, but it usually means they’re more in a resting mood rather than aiming for a deep sleep. This puts them in the perfect position so when you have a few minutes to play, they’re ready to spring up quickly! They are usually more devoted and protective and you might find them dozing this way next to your feet.

Sprawled Out

dog sprawled out

This position looks a bit like Superman with your dog’s front legs and hind legs stretched both ways. This is common with puppies or energetic dogs that love to play but also get tired and want to take a quick snooze. Similar to the lion’s pose, when your dog is sprawled out on their tummy, they want to be ready at a moment’s notice to play tug-of-war or fetch with you. It’s also a great position to cool down on tiled floors. 

Curled Up

dog curled up in a ball

Some dogs will curl into a “fetal” position and tuck in all of their limbs. This could mean that your furry friend is trying to protect themselves by hiding all of their vital organs. One study showed that this position is common among dogs in a shelter, an unfamiliar place where they may prefer to go unnoticed by other dogs. It may also be the preferred posture in pups who are anxious such as strays or those getting used to their environment. Dogs who sleep like this may  feel scared, but also have a caring personality. However, this position could also just mean they’re cold and trying to preserve their body heat.

Belly Up

dog laying on back

This is the most vulnerable sleeping position for dogs as it reveals all of their vital organs. This means that they are aware of what’s around them and completely comfortable at home with you. These sleepers tend to be more loving and trusting of you. This is also another position that allows dogs to cool off. You might even say that these pups are feeling totally carefree! 

Each of these positions can give you a clue to your dog’s personality and how they’re feeling. Keep an eye on their patterns as this can reveal a lot about their health. For example, it’s normal for dogs to sleep 12-14 hours a day but if you notice they are sleeping more or less than they usually do or sleeping in an abnormal position, it’s always a good idea to talk to your veterinarian.

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Comments (4) -

  • Pam

    12/27/2021 4:40:14 PM |

    Thankyou, great,article!

  • Deb

    12/27/2021 11:10:04 PM |



    1/1/2022 9:37:47 PM |

    Very interesting info

  • Mary Sue Diver

    9/1/2022 12:35:55 AM |

    Very interesting!  I love to watch my pup sleep.  She gives off such a peaceful vibe.

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