Let's Talk About Raw Pet Diets

Let's Talk About Raw Pet Diets

owner giving dog food

When I was growing up, my mom brought home whatever was on sale that week in the pet aisle: sometimes kibbles shaped like peas and hearts dyed painfully bright shades of green, other times packets filled with squishy red tubes meant to look like ground beef.

Whether or not that was a sound nutritional choice wasn’t on our radar; the vet never batted an eye when we said we fed Kibbles n’ Bits mixed with store brand chow. That’s what you did in the 80s.

The whole idea of ‘high end” pet foods didn’t start to gain a foothold until around the time I started vet school, and now the boutique market has evolved into a dizzying array of food choices, each marketed to one specific niche of owners: the grain-free types, the breed specific types, the dehydrated types, the organic types. There are plenty of folks still on the Gravy Train gravy train. And then there are the raw food aficionados. Each niche has its strongly held beliefs and values, and a good portion of them will take those to the grave.

“So what are you feeding your pet?”, which used to be a pretty generic question to ask during an exam, suddenly became a meaning-laden query laced with dynamite. It’s an oft-shared fact that many veterinarians don’t bring up nutrition with owners at all, and for many of them it comes down to “It never changes anyone’s mind anyway.”

How I approach nutrition conversations

I disagree that conversations never change anyone’s mind. Sometimes a conversation is DOA, but other times it’s a really good opportunity to learn more about a person and their relationship to their pet. Like many interactions we have with each other in life, I’ve found so much more success entering a conversation from a place of curiosity versus intent, of understanding before judging.

Getting to the why of someone’s food choices not only helps you understand that person and their pet better, it gives you an opportunity to determine whether or not a nutrition conversation is something they are open to in the first place.

Let’s be honest here: if someone’s mind is made up, and I mean really made up, nothing you say will change their mind. This goes for both sides of the raw food debate. You can pull up pages upon pages of information that make a compelling-sounding argument that people can and do use to bolster their argument all the time.

These people believe deep in their bones that their choice, whatever it is, is in the best interest of their pets and anyone who believes the opposite is either ill intentioned or woefully misinformed. Arguing just makes hard feelings even harder.

PDF Document

Trying to change the mind of someone not open to having a conversation isn’t something I dedicate time to these days. I respect their desire to make the right decision even if I don’t agree with the decision they ultimately made. Then we move on.

But sometimes, asking someone the “why” of a person’s choices leads to some really wonderful dialogue. Why do you think this is the healthiest choice? What specifically is it about uncooked food that you think is better than cooked food? What concerns you about commercial pet foods? If you know the specific objections someone has or a specific benefit they’ve identified, now you have a very discrete piece of information you can explore. Is it recalls? Worries about old food? Ingredient sourcing? Those things I can answer.

As you can imagine, I believe- like many of my veterinary colleagues- that raw food isn’t the best choice for most pet owners. Whether or not you take my advice will depend on whether or not you trust me in the first place, of course. But let’s assume we have a rapport, and you and I start talking about it. I will tell you the truth:

Over the years, I’ve used just about everything on the market depending on my pet’s situation: the grocery store kibble of my childhood. Kibble from the big brands, prescription foods. Canned foods, rehydrated foods. I even tried raw once, and stopped not because my cat did poorly but because of the risks to people in the house.

Now, I want the healthiest choices available for my pets with the convenience and consistency of a commercial diet, made by a company whose ethics and purpose I believe in based on their transparency, accountability, and quality control history. I am very happy with my decision.

The best thing I can do as a person with expertise is give you the information and the resources I have, and help you line that up with your priorities for your pet.

I can give you my suggestions as to what you should do with that information, suggestions based on twenty years in the field working with thousands of people and pets. Ultimately, though, it’s your choice.

That works really well. Be honest and share what you know. Lead with your good intent, and be satisfied that you had a good conversation no matter the outcome. You won’t win everyone over, but you’ll connect with the people you were meant to.


Read a veterinary nutritionist's perspective: https://weethnutrition.wordpress.com/2015/01/24/campylobacter-salmonella-e-coli-oh-my-why-i-dont-recommend-raw-meat-for-pets/

Tufts College of Veterinary Medicine primer on raw diets: https://vet.tufts.edu/wp-

Cavallo SJ, Daly ER, Seiferth J, et al. Human outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium associated with exposure to locally made chicken jerky pet treats, New Hampshire, 2013. Foodborne Pathog Dis. 2015;12(5):441-446.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Human salmonellosis associated with animal-derived pet treats— United States and Canada, 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep.

2006;55(25):702-705. Freeman LM, Chandler ML, Hamper BA, Weeth LP. Current knowledge about the risks and
benefits of raw meat-based diets for dogs and cats. J Vet Intern Med. 2013;243(11):1549-1558.

If you found this interesting, check out these related stories:

The Recall System is Putting You at Risk

The Inside Scoop on Homemade Pet Food

Comments (5) -

  • Dawn Eason

    6/4/2021 3:52:42 PM |

    What  about cats?  They're different then dogs.  There should have been a section on cats as well. I had a cat that his fur was oily and dandruff at the same time.  He had lost all of his whiskers even the long ones above the eyes.  After 2 weeks mixing in raw food his coat was back to normal and all of his whiskers were back.  I eventually went back to regular pet foods.  The vets weren't say anything except hmmmph!  So, I had to try something.  If you don't buy the food from your vet,  you're not feeding them the  right thing.  All of it has become so expensive as I age I probably won't be able to afford to feed an animal anymore even if I go down to one.  It's almost more expensive, some of them are than our food.  

  • Jenn

    6/4/2021 9:11:28 PM |

    Thank you for sharing, and the timing is interesting for me. I was just beginning to talk to my husband about raw feeding our mastiff.  You have given us a lot to talk about. Thank you

  • Cara

    6/5/2021 11:08:53 AM |

    Great article. I appreciate any advice on talking with my dog training customers about their pets nutrition.

  • Life's Abundance

    6/7/2021 11:59:36 AM |

    We shared your comment with Dr. V, and here's what she has to say: It's important that you and your veterinarian align on critical issues such as nutrition. If you don't feel like you can have an open and honest conversation with the vet you have, it's worth the effort to find someone you do feel comfortable with. Trust is everything with the veterinarian-client relationship. Some vets believe strongly in commercial pet foods only, some are raw feeding proponents (admittedly not very many), and others are open to exploring that in-between space. Best wishes to you and your kitties!

  • Amelia Johnson

    6/30/2021 9:21:33 AM |

    I have been a pet pro for over 50 years so I have been able to witness the results of feeding different diets. Early proponents of raw feeding have come to realize their dogs have not thrived the  way they expected them to...

    My dog is ranked #1 in a performance sport...results show when the pet is given nutrition that is safe with proven benefits.

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