4 Simple Ways To Help Your Pet Lose Weight

4 Simple Ways To Help Your Pet Lose Weight

Dog Exercising to Lose Weight

Did you know that more than half of the dogs and cats in the U.S. are overweight? All that extra heft puts our beloved pets at-risk for many serious health conditions.

The good news is that solving your companion animal’s weight problem might be easier than you’d expect!

Check out these helpful pet weight loss tips to ensure your beloved friend will live an even healthier and happier life:

  1. Select A Wholesome Diet 

    One vital measure towards curbing weight is also a simple one — selecting the perfect food. Choose a diet that states an animal-specific protein source (such as chicken or fish) as the number one ingredient. Avoid foods pumped up with corn, wheat and glutens, as carb-loading will sabotage any weight-loss efforts. Our wholesome dog foods and cat foods provide a complete spectrum of nutrition that your pet needs to thrive at a healthy weight.

    If you have a hefty dog at home who is ready to drop some pounds, try our Adult Weight Loss Formula — this recipe is enhanced with L-carnitine to support a healthy metabolism and weight management.

  2. Use a Measuring Cup for Portion Control 

    Did you know as few as 10 extra pieces of kibble can lead to excess weight gain in smaller dogs? Just by measuring meal portions, you can help your dog or cat shed unwanted weight! Each pet’s metabolism is different, so it’s a good idea to consult with your veterinarian — they can calculate your pet’s ideal daily intake.


  3. Only Feed Healthy Treats

    It feels great to give your pet a tasty treat — but you can feel even better when that treat has a nutritious benefit! Many treats out there aren’t much better than canine candy bars — that’s why at Life’s Abundance, we believe that every treat should have a purpose, and every calorie should have a benefit. Over the years we’ve worked to create the best healthy dog treats and cat treats on the market. Your pet won’t hesitate to scarf down our delicious treats - and get a boost of nutrition at the same time!

  4. Short Daily Exercise

    Research has proven that the one of the most effective ways to live a healthier and happier life is daily exercise, for both pets and humans! As little as 20-30 minutes of brisk walking can have a remarkable effect on your health and your dog’s, improving cardiovascular health, enhancing mood and boosting immune function. If you have a cat, get them active for 10-15 minutes twice a day, whether it be with their favorite toy or even using a laser pointer.


Many pets around the country struggle with weight problems — implementing any of these four suggestions could drastically improve the life of any pet, especially if they have a weight problem.  

Be sure to share this post with other pet parents! It just might be the first step in the process toward a better life for a precious cat or dog.

Comments (1) -

  • Christine

    9/13/2020 8:54:17 PM |

    I’m considering switching to Life’s Abundance weight loss system for my Cockapoo. I’d love to hear from anyone that has any experience with the system.

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