We're One of America’s Best Small Companies!

We're One of America’s Best Small Companies!


We are proud to announce that Life’s Abundance is a 2019 Forbes Small Giants winner! This award is bestowed annually to 25 privately held companies that exemplify their commitment to choosing greatness over growth. Each of these companies provides stellar service to customers, offers employees fulfilling, rewarding work and is a vital member of its community. Below is the write-up in May’s edition of Forbes Magazine.


Life’s Abundance has been making and selling healthy pet food (and other products) since 1999, and it’s never had a product recalled, a record that makes CEO Lester Thornhill, a native Trinidadian, proud. It relies on customers to market its products, as in multilevel marketing, but with a crucial difference: There are no quotas, and no one is required to buy or sell anything. That not only means a lot of repeat customers but also lets the company keep its goods out of big-box stores and Amazon, which is a matter of principle, Thornhill says, enabling Life's Abundance to manufacture in small batches and guarantee freshness and quality.


“We are deeply honored to be a part of the Small Giants Community, an inspiring group of purpose-driven business leaders,” says Lester Thornhill, CEO of Life’s Abundance. “This award holds particular meaning to us because it celebrates our commitment to making an impact beyond our balance sheet, whether it’s creating products for the well-being of you and your pets, selecting sustainable business practices, or contributing to charitable organizations.”

The Small Giants Community is open to businesses that are eager to grow and make profits, but only while upholding their culture and purpose. Once a year, 250 like-minded leaders get together for a three-day conference loaded with vivacious speakers and social events centered on how to keep great companies strong. At the summit, the 25 Best Small Companies who were named in Forbes are honored. We were so thrilled to be a part of the celebration this year!

Comments (9) -

  • FromTheRoost

    5/22/2019 2:34:36 PM |

    Congratulations!  I know from experience with your company that this award is well deserved!

  • Trish Cantrell

    5/22/2019 9:14:55 PM |

    This award is so well deserved. Superior quality dog and cat food is second to none.

  • Susan Edwards

    5/28/2019 9:41:12 PM |

    Congratulations!  Very well deserved!  Thank you for being so dedicated.  

  • Anonymous

    5/30/2019 7:44:33 AM |

    Unfortunately, as with many “multi-level” marketing companies, it may not be the company that requires you to purchase, but their “marketers” DO. Ex: I almost purchased a puppy from a very new breeder and they had it written in their contract that you had to purchase food for the first year, only from their vet and the food was this brand. That signifies to me a clear “kick-back.” Pet food should be an owners choice with solid recommendations from their breeder, not something written into a contract. So happy we chose to go with a very well-renowned breeder instead, who’s been in business for longer than a mere 5 litters as this one was. I’m sure the pet food is amazing, but don’t be fooled by false advertising on the marketing end... all businesses are here to make money, not friends! If my breeder RECOMMENDS trying this dog food, we will trust her and try it! Big difference. Just my 2 cents!!

  • Life's Abundance

    6/4/2019 9:08:50 AM |

    Our products are endorsed by many pet professionals because they appreciate the quality of the products and the positive impact they can have over a pet’s lifetime.

    As experts in their fields, an incredible amount of time, effort and expense goes into product research, and trial and error.  When these pros find a brand or product they believe in, we think they should be compensated for their recommendations.

    Breeders in particular are concerned with the health and well being of the puppies and kittens they bring into the world, and they want those animals to have the best chance at a healthy life.  This is why many choose to build a brand or product into their health guarantee.  This is not only because they are animal lovers, but because it makes good business sense.  Healthy puppies or kittens and happy families lead to referrals to other prospective families.

    In short, it’s a win for everyone!

  • Debbie Damesworth

    6/6/2019 6:39:50 PM |

    Very proud to be a representative of this fine company and its great employees!

  • Angela McKeever

    6/18/2019 7:07:51 PM |

    So Exciting! Such a great Company!

  • Bruce Agape'

    6/20/2019 3:23:57 AM |

    Twelve Years AGO I spent more than a week Researching the Multitudes of Dog Foods on the Market, searching for the Very BEST for the New Puppies we were soon  going to purchase.
    I have to say that "Life's Abundance" came out to be a Better Product in many ways.
    And I know if I were a Breeder, who was giving a "LIFE GUARANTY" of any kind, I would REQUIRE this Dog Food be Fed to the New Puppies, for at least the first TWO years of life: During this time of growth all living things need to have the most nutritious food to help them in the most important GROWING YEARS of their life.
    Our dogs have never had any other Dog Food, (except when I messed up ordering it on time; which happened during our past move.)  Also, at that time I Purchased a WELL KNOWN Dog Food:  Upon arriving at home my wife asked why I had purchased such a large bag.  I explained that it was the same weight as the bag we always get from LIFE ABUNDANCE, but upon EXAMINATION we realized that the bag was MUCH LARGER; and we came to the conclusion that the ""Name Brand"" dog food must be filled with so MANY FILLERS  I WOULD GUESS and AIR to FLUFF IT UP that it had to be put in a LARGER BAG...MISLEADING the buyer's into thinking they are getting much more Dog Food.
    I hope you will ALL try this product, your pets will thank you; and you should notice that they have more energy and apparently are much happier in their mood.

  • Laura

    6/20/2019 10:29:39 PM |

    I’d like to get best food for my puppy.

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