Summer Wonder Slushie

Summer Wonder Slushie


We think it's time you adopted a new favorite beverage. Something chilled, tropical, real fruit flavor but nothing fake. Something easy, that you can blend to perfection in mere moments. Something that reminds us of the brash colors and bright sounds of summers long past. Something truly refreshing, delighting your taste buds, cooling your insides when it's impossibly hot out, and giving your body the nourishment it truly craves. 

Our culinary team has whipped this smashing summer apéritif that seriously might become your new favorite fruit drink! What’s so amazing is that it’s packed with nutrients, thanks to our incredibly nourishing Minerals & Antioxidants Drink Mix.

The following ingredients will make one large "Summer Wonder Slushie". If you're serving at a party, multiply times however many slushies you want to make, and enjoy!


  • 1-1/2 to 2 cups chopped fresh fruit
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1/4 cup sparkling water
  • 1 scoop Minerals & Antioxidants (Cherry or Tropical Fruit)
  • Herbs, spices, honey or other flavor add-ins


1. Wash and roughly chop the fruit, discarding any pits or unwanted peels.

2. Add all ingredients except Minerals & Antioxidants to a blender. Blend on high until the ice is completely crushed and fruit is blended. Add more ice or fruit as needed to reach your desired slushie consistency.

3. Pour into a glass and stir in Minerals & Antioxidants.

4. Sip the slushie, close your eyes, and be transported to the paradise of a carefree summer.

Comments (1) -

  • Michelle Ralls

    6/19/2018 5:59:12 PM |

    I love slushies and the  different mixtures.

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