Thanks to improved diets and more comfortable lifestyles, dogs are living longer
lives than previous generations. Another aspect of the longevity puzzle is the
breakthrough in advanced veterinary care. Treatments used exclusively for people
have now become staples for the care of companion animals. This episode of Pet
Talk reveals one of these areas of specialty: canine rehabilitation therapy.
It’s likely that many of you reading this will someday need to take your dog
to the vet’s office for rehabilitation. In this episode, our Staff Veterinarian
Dr. Sarah Wooten explores this amazing new field, which is making a profoundly
positive difference in the lives of countless companion animals. You’ll see
firsthand the variety of therapeutic options that are becoming more widely
These exercises target specific areas, usually where an injury has been
sustained, and can do much more than just repair damaged tissue. Rehab has been
shown to actually speed up the healing process, while at the same time reducing
pain levels.
Thank you for watching Pet Talk, and check back next month for another
informative and entertaining episode.
Note: If you’d like to learn more about the Agility Formula referenced in
this video, visit today.