The occurrence of canine influenza is all-too-common these days. In what began with a viral infection in just eight dogs in one location less than a decade ago, the contagious disease has spread to more than half of the states across America. That’s why Dr. Sarah has dedicated this episode of Pet Talk to all of the pet parents who are dealing with this particular health challenge. The disease leads to symptoms similar to the flu in humans, including coughing, fever, malaise, loss of appetite, nasal discharge and possibly even pneumonia. Sadly, some dogs can experience permanent damage to their lungs, which is why awareness of the illness is paramount.
We encourage you to watch our Staff Veterinarian’s overview on canine influenza. In mere minutes, you’ll learn what a flu diagnosis means for your pup, how you can prevent onset of the illness and what steps you can take to help an infected canine recover as soon as possible. Watch this month’s Pet Talk episode now …