Bathing At Home

Bathing At Home

No matter how much we adore our companion animals, there’s no denying that they come with responsibilities. Keeping your dog’s coat clean not only helps to support skin health, a luxurious, odor-free coat can actually improve your quality of life, too.

Not all of us are able to get to our professional groomer every time we really need to, so this episode of Pet Talk is all about techniques to wash your dog’s coat at home … in between regular groomer visits.

With help from her beautiful, blond assistant, Alma, Dr. Sarah offers a quick overview of the basics of home bathing, to leave your dog’s coat lustrous, clean and smelling spectacular.

Comments (2) -

  • Pam Hebert

    6/28/2013 5:43:47 AM |

    This is about Dr. Sarah's video on washing your dog.  I found the tip on leaving your dog's head left for last was a great tip.  However, when it came to the dog's head, there was not any detail on soaping and rinsing the head.  I was especially looking forward to tips around the face and ears.

  • Sarah Wooten, DVM

    11/29/2013 12:43:41 AM |

    I recommend using a warm, wet wash cloth around the head and in the nasal folds for brachycephalic breeds like bull dogs. It is a good idea to put a cotton ball in your dog's ears while washing to keep water out of the ears, and then follow-up with Life's Abundance Ear Care.

    If for some reason you need to lather your dog's head between the ears, you'll want to tilt the head back to rinse and make sure the shampoo runs backward over the neck and not down into the eyes.

    Please let me know if this has been helpful.

    Sarah Wooten, DVM

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