Year-End Reflections and Thanks

Year-End Reflections and Thanks

Dog with Santa hat

During the holidays many of us are swept up in a whirlwind of activities including trimming trees, opening presents and spending time with friends and loved ones. Once the twinkly lights are extinguished, the gifts are distributed and the kids go to sleep with full bellies and warm hearts, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the year that’s passed and make resolutions for the upcoming year.

As I look back on 2012, I feel the need to reiterate how truly honored and grateful I feel to be a part of a company devoted to the health and well-being of companion animals. Our products speak for themselves but they all include one important ingredient you won’t find on the label – heart. From our customer service agents to our management team to our dedicated Field Representatives, everyone here at Life’s Abundance plays a part in fulfilling our mission … to help dogs and cats lead longer, healthier and happier lives.

As far as my personal role in the Life’s Abundance mission, I’m thankful for the opportunity to speak with you via emails, conference calls and through blog posts like this. I appreciate the opportunity to keep the lines of communication open, not only to share my thoughts and insights in the hopes you’ll benefit, but also to update you on the work of the foundation that bears my name.

Cat nap holiday

As you probably know, the Dr. Jane’s HealthyPetNet Foundation is a non-profit organization that gives thousands of dollars to small, worthy animal rescues, each of which are committed to saving abused and neglected animals from the desperations of homelessness and natural disaster. Because of your generosity and continued business, our non-profit was able to help fund the everyday activities of small animal rescues and provide emergency aid to animals affected by the Colorado wildfires and Hurricane Sandy.

While the work of the foundation is a vital part of Life's Abundance, our central commitment is devotion to the people that use our products: you inspire us. Without your support and feedback we would not be the company we are today, and from the very core of my being, I thank you. I consider my role as Executive Director of New Pet Product Development and Education both a privilege and a great responsibility, and I am determined and committed to make the very best of the upcoming year. By monitoring discoveries in nutritional science, I will continue to improve our innovative health formulations and create new, cutting-edge products to help improve the health and longevity of companion animals. With the combined efforts of our strong, motivated team - made up of our dedicated staff here at headquarters and all of you out in the field - we can surely make this new year more successful than ever before.

On behalf of everyone here at Life's Abundance, I wish you and your family joy, health, and success in 2013.

Thank you so much for all you do to make the world a better place for companion animals.

Dr Jane Bicks   Dr. Jane Bicks

Comments (3) -

  • JoAnne Rando-Moon

    12/20/2012 3:19:24 PM |

    I am so proud to be part of this company, helping pets and their parents feeding the very best and in turn helping homeless animals around the country.
    Well done Dr. Jane!

  • Robin Pickens

    12/21/2012 2:36:05 AM |

    I would just like to say "Thank You" Dr. Jane for using your talents and expertise with this company to make the health and well-being of our pets the best that it can be....Your many hours of hard work and research to make the best possible nutritional and all natural products for our pets is what makes Life's Abundance the exceptional choice in pet nutrition and health.

    Your Foundation is an absolute blessing for many, many pets that would otherwise face a uncertain and possibly unfortunate future.

    I, too, am honored to be a part of such a great company...Thank You.

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and may your New Year be filled with many blessings!

  • Amelia Johnson

    1/3/2013 8:28:16 PM |

    Life's Abundance truly reflects the abundant life we all strive for and receive when we put our own heart into sharing the good news about this honest company which is supported by the dedicated staff and loyal customers encouraging Dr. Jane. Yes, that's a mouthful and with every mouthful of Life's Abundance food and treats, our pets thrive!

    I am grateful for Life's Abundance!

    May we all have a prosperous New Year.

    Amelia Johnson

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