“Oh the weather outside is frightful” … so be careful out there! Winter will soon wrap her cold, sleety arms around much of the country. We want to remind everybody to take special precautions to keep their fur kids safe and healthy. In this episode of Pet Talk, staff veterinarian Dr. Sarah devotes time to the crucial topic of cold-weather safety. And that goes double for those of you with a puppy romping around in that wintry mix.
Yes, even though spring and summer are prime periods for bringing a new pup into the family fold, there is a corps of dedicated pet parents who believe the holiday season is the perfect time to adopt a new dog. What better way to celebrate the season of giving and caring than by embracing the responsibility of a new companion animal, right?
We’re pleased to report that Dr. Sarah has some seriously helpful tips for all of our readers, new and established pet parents alike. We’re covering some new territory on outdoor safety, as well as reissuing some practical tips from a couple of seasons ago … it’s our version of the best-of-the-best info for winter pet care, with a dash of old-school puppy safety thrown in for good measure. Hopefully, this brief video will put your mind at ease, demonstrating just how simple it is to keep wee pups, and old dogs, safe throughout the chilly winter.