Successful Aging - Cancer in Pets

Successful Aging - Cancer in Pets

Welcome to the first installment of our Successful Aging Series! In this episode of Pet Talk, Dr. Sarah addresses one of the most frightening and heartbreaking illnesses that afflict companion animals – cancer. According to the most recent data, nearly four million dogs will be diagnosed with cancer this year, which is why we’re dedicating an entire episode to “the C-word”. To aid you in your quest to help your fur kids age successfully, Dr. Sarah shares the latest news about our current understanding of how companion animals age and the obstacles they encounter later in life. Additionally, Dr. Sarah discusses prevalent pet cancers, what sorts of treatments are available now, and groundbreaking research into potential therapies and preventatives. Don’t miss this episode, as you’ll also discover news from the National Cancer Institute about its ambitious agenda to eradicate this silent killer. We encourage you to share this timely and vital message with your friends and family!

Comments (5) -

  • Rebecca Forrest

    5/31/2012 5:00:05 AM |

    I am especially proud to share this video with my friends. Such an informative edition!

  • Kristina McLeskey

    6/21/2012 12:23:32 PM |

    Good info.  It would be great to hear what preventative methods could be used with out pets to prevent cancer.  What new studies are out.  One thing I heard is that large breed male dogs should not be neutered until at least one year (one for their joint, but also to prevent cancer).

    Look forward to seeing more info.

  • Jackie

    9/19/2012 4:22:16 PM |

    I just wanted to know that we have extended the life of our large dog, a catahula mix, by about 4 years by giving her ganoderma spore supplements and grape seed oil capsules.  Before the capsules, she had serious trouble getting up and moving around.  We thought we were going to lose her one night but realized that we had not given her capsules.  Turns out she was constipated and got relief overnight.  Google, ganoderma and any health concern for more testimonies.  All I know it that it has worked for us.

  • Bill

    9/22/2012 3:56:13 PM |

    Dr. Sarah,

    This is the only place I could see to make a comment,wanted to thanks Life's Abundance for making my Mandy reach 19 yrs and going strong! She can't see, but somehow she makes it to her food (Life's Abundance) Our Vet said 4 things make a dog liver longer,Ideal weight,exercise,quality dog food and LOVE.Mandy has all 4!!.Thank you so much for you great product.

                                          Bill S

  • Bill

    9/22/2012 3:57:18 PM |

    Bill S,

    That's live,not liver,lol

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