The Dr. Jane’s HealthyPetNet Foundation is pleased to announce one of its latest grant recipients, the Forte Animal Rescue (FAR). FAR well represents the noble spirit of small rescues which are short on financial backing but full of hope and strong in the belief they can affect positive change in the lives of their rescued animals.
Based in Marina del Rey, CA, Forte Animal Rescue is an all-volunteer, nonprofit rescue organization that’s also committed to fighting pet-overpopulation and furthering the understanding of the human-animal bond through educational programs and community activities. Since FAR’s founding in 2002, this small band of devoted care providers have saved the lives of nearly 700 dogs!
Typically, this non-profit organization supervises the care of 40 to 50 canines. Without a facility of their own, their rescued dogs stay with foster parents or in an approved boarding house. FAR rescuers pride themselves in providing a 100% no-kill safety net for abused, neglected and abandoned canines.
Additionally, FAR is one of the few rescue organizations offering a Junior Volunteer Program, an extension of their commitment to investing time for today’s youth to help foster tomorrow’s responsible community leaders.
FAR imposes no restrictions on the type of dogs they rescue. In fact, they’ve even been known to rescue the occasional feline or two. As they say, they will take in “any breed or mix from poodles to pit bulls” because “all animals deserve a chance at life”. The bottom line is this … they do whatever it takes to locate forever homes for all of their four-footers. Nothing conveys this sense of utter devotion better than the story of Cruiser, who was both saved by FAR and helped by our Foundation’s recent financial award.
A true American mutt, Cruiser was abandoned by his original caretaker (ironically) at a Forte-sponsored adoption event. Even though FAR was already burdened with several dogs who were undergoing expensive medical treatments, they couldn’t turn their backs on the adorable – and newly homeless – mixed breed. Equal parts American Bulldog, Staffordshire Terrier and Labrador, Cruiser weighed in at 80 lbs. and was nearly six years old. Unfortunately, this situation – the abandonment of older and large-sized dogs – is playing out in rescues across America, in higher numbers than in previous years.
Shortly after being taken in by FAR, Cruiser began exhibiting signs of aggression, toward both humans and other canines. For the most part, though, he was lovable and grateful for attention. It was obvious to his handlers that Cruiser’s acting out was brought on by stress over his uncertain circumstances.
Time after time at their weekly adoption events, FAR would usher in prospective pet parents seeking to adopt a dog, and every time, Cruiser was passed up in favor of younger, smaller pups. If anyone expressed interest, FAR was honor-bound to report the instances of aggression (however brief), whereupon they too would turn their attention to another four-footer. Friends volunteering at other rescue groups actually urged Cruiser’s caretakers to consider euthenasia, so unlikely were his chances for a successful adoption. But the good folks at Forte Animal Rescue were dead-set against that option. Everyone desperately hoped Cruiser would eventually catch a lucky break.
For the next several months, Cruiser spent most of his days boarded at a kennel, as he could not be trusted to safely share space with other dogs. As the weeks and months passed, his health declined, and he required medical attention. Rather than growing despondent, his rescuers became more determined than ever to forge a better life for Cruiser. They used every tool at their disposal to promote his availability, from neighborhood flyers to Facebook updates, from blog posts to Craigslist listings … but to no avail, as not a single inquiry came in.

Then, one Saturday, an Arizona woman vacationing in nearby Los Angeles approached FAR, asking to meet Cruiser. After meeting him, and perhaps in light of all he’d been through, she announced her intention to adopt Cruiser. Without hesitation, one of FAR’s volunteers committed to making the long trip to the adopter’s home in Arizona to conduct the mandatory home safety check. Everything went off without a hitch, and now Cruiser is enjoying his new life in the American Southwest.
According to Marie Atake, FAR’s Founder and President, the financial award given by our foundation helped to cover the costs of eight months of Cruiser’s care. Factoring in boarding and veterinary bills, added to the typical, daily needs, his rescue was indeed on the pricey side.
Then again, happy endings like Cruiser’s … those are absolutely priceless.
We’d like to convey our deep gratitude to all of our customers and individual donors who made this special award possible. Each one of you directly helped Cruiser to find his caring pet parent, changing both of their lives for the better.
Remember, every time a Life’s Abundance order is placed, a portion of the profits is contributed to the foundation, which in turn awards these funds to small American rescues just like Forte Animal Rescue. If you would like to show additional support to our foundation, you may do so when placing an order online or by sending a check to Dr. Jane’s HealthyPetNet Foundation, Inc. at P.O. Box 1425, Palm City, FL 34991. Even if you can only spare a dollar or two, you’ll be providing much needed aid to deserving pet-rescue organizations, which are on the front lines of the fight to reduce and eliminate pet abandonment, neglect and abuse in America.