Near-term costs. Long-term savings. That’s exactly what pet insurance, just like your health insurance (if you’re fortunate enough have coverage), offers pet parents. And in difficult economic times, pet insurance may be the answer to escalating vet bills.
Veterinary charges continue to rise dramatically, in large part due to the fact that procedures that were once used exclusively for human diagnoses (like CAT-scans and MRI’s) are now much more commonly used in diagnosing companion animals.
Recent measures put the number of insured companion animals at 3%, but that’s double the number of covered pets compared to the previous year.
Pet insurance represents a relatively inexpensive way to help families deal with the high costs of the veterinary care. Policies are available through companies like Veterinary Pet Insurance, Pet Health, Inc., ShelterCare and others, both for cats and for dogs, and cover everything from annual exams to specialized treatments.
Before you buy a pet insurance policy, call your veterinarian office to find out what policies will cover costs there. After all, there’s no point getting a policy if it your veterinarian doesn’t accept it.
Additionally, you recommend that you discuss with your vet which policy will best cover your companion animal’s needs. With the expert information you can receive from your vet, you should be able to make the best determination for your family’s needs.
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