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Insider Tips To Save Money At Life's Abundance

dog sitting on woman's lap while online shopping

Tip: Signing up for our Autoship program will save you both time and money.

Challenging economic times make it harder to balance getting premium products for your family while also saving your wallet. We know how it is, which is why we spoke to our very own employee-owners to share money saving tips they’ve learned from personal experience as well as from our customers. Now you won’t have to sacrifice quality - ever again.

Sign Up For Autoship

One of the best ways to save money at Life’s Abundance is by using our Autoship program. You get discounted pricing when you add products to your Autoship, it’s absolutely free to enroll and has no minimum order requirement. It’s a loyalty discount program with big benefits.

You’ll never again have to make a late night run to the store when you’re running low on pet food, supplements or personal care items. Just choose how often you’d like your products shipped out and we’ll do the rest.

Saving both money and time? Everyone knows that’s a win-win.

Double Up Your Order

If you’re already enrolled in our Autoship program, you’re one step ahead. But did you know that you can save even more money by doubling your order? For example, if you order a bag of pet food today, you’ll pay $8.85 for shipping. But, if you order two bags today, you’ll still pay the same shipping rate. This way you can double up your Autoship order and schedule it to ship out less frequently - saving you on shipping.

This strategy will cut your shipping costs in half, and you’ll still receive the discounted Autoship pricing. Remember, your Autoship frequency can be set as far out as 4 months apart.

Special Insider tip: You may be thinking - “I don’t need two large bags of food, plus they’ll go bad.” Just check out our blog on how to store pet food, and you’ll be able to keep your furry friends’ kibble fresh for longer.

As an extra perk, by doing this, you’re helping out the environment by cutting down on your deliveries, reducing carbon emissions, and your packaging, saving trees.

Fill Up The Box

If you already trust the quality of one of our products, try other products from our people and pet lines. Make it easier on yourself by adding on to your already existing shipment - with supplements, skin care, pet treats or cleaning supplies. This way, you’re buying from a single source and it saves you money on shipping too! And, since you’ll be making the most of it and adding multiple products into the same package, this is a greener option for the environment.

person putting coins in doggy bank

Tip: Fill up your existing order by trying other products from our people and pet lines.

Skip “Oh Shoot” Day

Have you ever had that moment where it’s pup’s mealtime or you’re making your morning protein smoothie and you’re down to that last scoop in the bag - and you haven’t placed your order yet? “Oh shoot.” We’ve all been there, which is why it is important that you never wait until the last minute to ship your order since overnight shipping is super expensive. Even then, it still might take two days depending on the time of day you purchase. It’s better to have a week or two of extra product than pay extra at the very last minute.

Special Insider tip: If you can’t log into your account to ship your order, just find your last Autoship confirmation or tracking number email and reply to it with “SHIP NOW” and we will take care of the rest! Just make sure your credit card number is up to date. Easy peasy.

Don’t Give Up Quality And Safety

As we’ve mentioned before, you never want to give up quality or safety just to save a few extra bucks. After all, good health starts with good nutrition, and what would a trip to the doctor or vet cost you in time, money, and worry?

You do everything you can to keep your family healthy, and you also know it’s important to focus on the quality, and overall safety of the products they consume. That’s why here at Life’s Abundance, as an added layer of quality assurance, we’ve developed a unique recall system so advanced that when you purchase a product, we know what you received, all the way down to the lot number. We’ve never had a recall in over 20 years, but if there is ever an issue, our proactive communications system allows us to reach thousands of people by phone in just one hour, ensuring that all affected customers are contacted quickly. You would also hear from us by email and even through the mail. Without this direct outreach, most consumers would never hear about a recall.

We hope these tips help you while you’re buying products from Life’s Abundance. Happy Shopping and Happy Savings!

Have some Life’s Abundance money-saving tips of your own? Share them in the comments below!

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