August 2013

The Loss of a Pet


Part of the privilege of sharing our lives with a pet kid is the emotional bond we share with them. Even among these relationships, often there is one very special companion animal, whether a dog, cat, bird or even a reptile, who makes an indelible mark on our lives.

When we are faced with the loss of any pet kid, much less a truly exceptional companion, we may be surprised to find ourselves suffering from agonizing grief. Some people worry over the intensity of their feeling, doubting their right to grieve so acutely. Rest assured, beloved furry, feathery or scaly companions ARE NOT ‘just animals’. This sentiment, shared by some who have chosen not to share their lives with a pet kid, belittles your experience, so give it the credence it deserves … none. More...

Disaster Prep

In the 20th century, Americans were encouraged to guard against an ever-present Communist menace, even to go so far as to build underground fortifications to protect against an onslaught of nuclear weapons. Modern-day preppers face a much bigger adversary – Mother Nature. With brutal winters, tornadic springs, fiery summers and a hurricane season that lasts for months, calamity seems ubiquitous in the news. Before adversity strikes in your neighborhood, watch this episode of Pet Talk where Dr. Sarah offers her insights for how to avoid pandemonium in the wake of turmoil. Take this opportunity now to learn how to get your house in order, with helpful tips from our good doctor.

FastFriends Greyhound Adoption

dr jane foundation

Dog racing is big business. Whether or not you condone the enterprise, there’s no denying that it can take a toll on the racers. Not content to sit on the sidelines, this month’s featured grant recipient addresses the sport’s collateral damage, working to heal the bodies and spirits broken by years of circling the track.

Located in Los Angeles County, FastFriends Greyhound Adoption of California maintains a wide foster-home network. When it comes to their rescue, FastFriends has a one-track mind - to help transition greyhounds from racing careers to lives of companionship with adoptive families. More...